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Your Professional E/One Grinder Pump Specialists

Patriot Pump Services LLC is your go-to contractor for the best E/One grinder pump services. These environmental pumps make all the difference when it comes to pumping and grinding sewage, and our technicians go the extra mile to ensure your E/One system is running smoothly.

sump pump

Learn More About E/One Grinder Pumps

An E/One grinder pump, also known as an Environment One grinder pump, is a type of sewage pump used in residential and low-pressure sewer systems. It is designed to efficiently grind and macerate solid waste into smaller particles, allowing for easier transport through the sewer system.

The Key Components of an E/One Grinder Pump System Include

Grinder Pump

This is a specialized pump that has a powerful motor and a built-in grinder mechanism. The grinder is capable of shredding solids, such as toilet paper, waste, and small debris, into fine particles.


The grinder pump is typically installed inside a sealed fiberglass tank, commonly known as a grinder pump station or pump basin. The tank is watertight and operates as a holding chamber for the wastewater to be pumped out.

Float Switch

The tank is equipped with an internal switch similar to a float switch that activates the pump when the wastewater level reaches a certain point. This allows the grinder pump to automatically turn on and grind the sewage before pumping it into the central sewer system or a septic tank.

The Purpose of an E/One Grinder Pump Is Twofold

Efficient Waste Removal

By grinding solid waste into smaller particles, the grinder pump enables easier passage of waste through the sewer system. This is particularly useful in areas where the topography does not allow for the use of gravity for sewage transport or when the distance to the main sewer line is significant. The grinder pump helps to ensure that waste can be efficiently transported to the main sewer system or a treatment facility.

Prevention of Blockages

The grinder pump helps to minimize the risk of blockages in the sewer lines by breaking down solid waste into finer particles. By reducing the size of solids, the likelihood of clogs and backups is significantly reduced, helping to maintain the proper functioning and flow of wastewater in the system.

Call Now to Get a Free Estimate

E/One grinder pump systems are typically installed in areas where conventional gravity-based sewer systems are impractical. They are commonly used in areas with challenging terrain, remote locations, or where the distance to the main sewer line is too far for gravity flow.

Additionally, they are also commonly found in individual homes, clusters of homes, or small communities that rely on low-pressure sewer systems. Give us a call if you’d like to know more.


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