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Keep Your Electric Motors Running With Reliable Service

Most modern pumps have electrical components to stay operational. In other words, a good pump mechanic has to have a wide range of knowledge about electric motors as well. This is why Patriot Pump Services LLC is perfectly suited to handle your electric motor repairs, maintenance, and installation.

We work with residential, commercial, and municipal customers. We’re always on-call with 24/7 emergency service. Don’t hesitate to call now.

laser alignment instrument

Laser Alignments

Precision alignment has been proven to prolong the life of bearings in electric motors and the equipment they drive. Good alignment on electric motors decreases mechanical wear on bearings and seals, and cuts down on overall vibration. This service is also available for circulator pumps, chiller tower pumps, and other high speed pumps.

Laser alignment utilizes laser instruments, such as transmitters and receivers, to track the relative position of each component with the highest tolerances and compare it to an established standard. Any difference between the two sets of data indicates misalignment, which can be easily corrected with the help of the laser alignment system.

Count on Patriot Pump Services LLC for precision laser alignments for all your electric motors, circulator pumps, chiller tower pumps, and other high speed pumps. Call us today!

Why Choose Us to Service Your Pump’s Electric Motor?

Electric motors are an integral component of water pumps as they provide the power necessary for the pump to operate. It takes experienced contractors to repair these units, and this is why we’re your #1 choice:

Motor Efficiency

We understand the importance of motor efficiency. Energy-efficient electric motors can help reduce power consumption, lower operating costs, and contribute to a more environmentally friendly system.

Motor Maintenance

Regular maintenance is essential to ensure the longevity and optimal performance of electric motors in water pumps. We have expertise in motor inspection, lubrication, cleaning, and troubleshooting any motor-related issues. Count on us to provide routine maintenance services as well as diagnose and repair any motor failures or malfunctions.

Motor Replacement

Over time, electric motors may require replacement due to wear and tear or damage. We're knowledgeable about motor replacements, including assessing the right motor size and type for your specific pump system. We can recommend high-quality motor options and efficiently install and integrate them into the pump.

Experience and Expertise

We have extensive experience and expertise in servicing water pumps and their electric motors. Our track record, customer reviews, and certifications speak for themselves. Each member of our staff possesses a deep understanding of electrical systems, motor operation, and troubleshooting techniques.

Prompt Response and Reliability

Water pump issues can be urgent, especially when it comes to preventing water damage or addressing water supply needs. We're responsive and able to provide prompt service when motor-related problems arise. We always prioritize customer satisfaction and aim to resolve issues quickly and efficiently.

Proactive Approach

We not only are reactive to motor failures but also proactive in identifying potential issues. You're offered preventative maintenance services and provide guidance on proper motor usage and care to minimize the risk of unexpected failures or breakdowns.

sump pump

Flexible Service Options for Your Electric Motors

Patriot Pump Services LLC works hard to cater to the needs of each customer. We provide service for customers in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island as well as Southern NH and VT. We’ll work with you to create the perfect service contract, which means you get the service you need at a price you can afford all year long.

We’ve been providing service for over 15 years. We can work with all brands, and our expertise covers sewage pumps, wastewater treatment, sump pumps, and more. Our installations and repairs are protected by a standard warranty from all the major pump manufacturers we deal with. Get a free estimate today.

Electric Motor Brands We Service:

  • Baldor
  • Leeson
  • and more!

Here’s What Customers Are Saying About Us!

Call Us Today for a Free Estimate for a Pump Service