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Protect Your Home With Sump Pump Service

Sump pumps can be the difference between a flooded basement and a dry living space. Basements and lower levels can be prone to flooding during heavy rains. A sump pump can mitigate this risk by collecting water and pumping it to a safe location away from the home’s foundation. To stay effective, sump pumps must be impeccably maintained.

This is why you need Patriot Pump Services LLC. We work with all brands of sump pumps, and we can offer routine maintenance, repair service, and new installations. In addition to our residential customers, we also have experience with commercial and municipal customers as well. We’re available for you with 24/7 service all year.

sump pump and accessories

Your Choice for Sump Pump Maintenance and Repair

With over 15 years of experience, Patriot Pump Services LLC can help out with any sump pump service. We also work with sewage pumps, grinder pumps, electric motors, and wastewater treatment. Our service area covers customers in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island as well as Southern NH and VT.

We Work on the Following Sump Pump Brands:

  • Hydromatic
  • Barnes
  • Myers
  • Zoeller
  • E/One
  • Weil
  • Liberty
  • and much more!

Protect Your Home With a New Sump

Sump pumps are devices that are typically installed in basements or crawl spaces to remove water that has accumulated in a sump pit or basin. They are designed to prevent flooding, water damage, and moisture-related issues in homes or buildings. Here’s why sump pumps are important:

Water Damage Prevention

Sump pumps play a crucial role in preventing water damage caused by heavy rainfall, groundwater infiltration, or plumbing issues. When the water level in the sump pit reaches a certain level, the sump pump automatically activates and pumps the water out, diverting it away from the property's foundation and preventing damage to the basement or crawl space.

Mitigation of Basement Flooding

Basement flooding can result in significant damage to the structure, as well as the loss of belongings or valuable items. Sump pumps help mitigate the risk of basement flooding by swiftly removing water from the sump pit before it can rise to dangerous levels.

Mold and Mildew Prevention

Excessive moisture in basements or crawl spaces can lead to the growth of mold, mildew, and other fungi. Sump pumps help control moisture levels by removing water, and reducing the risk of mold or mildew formation. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy indoor environment and preventing potential health issues associated with mold exposure.

Protection of the Foundation

Excessive water around the foundation of a building can cause soil erosion and compromise the stability of the structure. Sump pumps help protect the foundation by preventing water accumulation, and reducing the chances of soil movement and foundation damage.

Increased Property Value

Having a functioning sump pump system in place can increase the value of a property. Potential buyers are often averse to properties that have a history of water damage or flooding, so a sump pump installation can provide peace of mind and make a property more attractive in the real estate market.

Learn More About Dewatering Systems

Sump pump dewatering systems are comprehensive drainage systems designed to efficiently remove groundwater or excess water from an area. They typically consist of a sump pump, a sump pit or basin, drainage pipes, and a discharge point. Here’s why sump pump dewatering systems make a difference:

Groundwater Control

Sump pump dewatering systems help manage groundwater levels around buildings or construction sites. Groundwater can seep into basements, crawl spaces, or excavations, leading to moisture-related issues, flooding, or structural damage. These systems actively collect and redirect groundwater, preventing it from accumulating and causing problems.

Flood Prevention

Sump pump dewatering systems play a vital role in preventing flooding. They continuously remove water from sump pits or basins, redirecting it away from the property or construction site. By effectively managing water levels, these systems mitigate the risk of flood damage and protect structures or valuable belongings.

Construction Site Dewatering

In construction projects, sump pump dewatering systems help with site preparation and excavation by removing excess or unwanted groundwater. They ensure that construction sites remain dry and workable, allowing for safe and efficient construction activities.

Protection Against Water-Related Damage

By actively removing excess water, sump pump dewatering systems protect structures, foundations, and underground utilities from water-related damage. They prevent water infiltration, which can weaken structures, cause soil erosion, compromise foundations, or damage electrical and plumbing systems.

Moisture Control and Mold Prevention

Sump pump dewatering systems assist in controlling moisture levels in basements, crawl spaces, or construction sites. By effectively removing water, they minimize the risk of moisture accumulation and the subsequent growth of mold, mildew, or other damaging fungi. This is crucial for maintaining a healthy indoor environment and avoiding potential health issues.

Enhanced Property Value

Properties equipped with reliable and well-maintained sump pump dewatering systems can have increased value in areas prone to high water tables, heavy rainfall, or flooding. Potential buyers are often attracted to properties with effective water management systems in place since they provide reassurance against water damage and associated repair costs.

We Work Hard to Provide Affordable, Personalized Service

Our service contracts can be tailored to any schedule. We’ll come out once a year or once a month. It’s up to you!

Call now to schedule an appointment. We offer free estimates, and all our installations and repairs are covered by a standard warranty.


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